Friday, May 1, 2009

"Maa Tara" : The Goddess of Tantriks

'Tantra Shastra' is considered to be the encyclopedia of Hindu religion. This Trantra Shastra is written in the form of dialogue between two creative forces of the universe i.e. Lord Shiva here presented as listener (Agam) and Goddess Parvati as speaker (Nigam), on the other hand 'Uptantra' are the creations of 'Tapodhan Rishi'.
In 'Mahanirmaan Tantra' lord Shiva tell Parvati that in Kalyug the people will not have solution by vedic methods. Humanity will not get any welfare of their self through 'smritees' and 'sanhitaas' (the civil codes). Lord Shiva himself says "Vedic Mantras and kriyaas (karmakand) will prove futile in the some way as poisonless snake who can not bite or harm anyone." Only trantras will be effective which will have immediate effect on people.
In fact, tantric worship method is the developed form of vedic kamakand. It has been recognized equivalent remedy for vedic system of karmakand in which 'soma ras' is used for 'madya'. Tantra Shastra was developed for the welfare of the people. In the 11th and 3rd Skandha of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, Trantra Shastra is referred as the best method of procuring God. There is also reference of Brahma Purana, Kurbha Purana, Varah Purana and Padma Purana and it clearly mentioned that it is the best method of the worship of God, specially in Kalyug. There is reference to Bala and Ati-Bala powers in Ramayan these were Tantrik Vidyaas. The method to procure these vidyaas has been described in Tantra Shastra.
The aradhya devi of tantriks is Tara Devi. The story of the creations of Tara Devi is very interesting. It is said that Lord Shiva created the universe with Goddess Kali but later he became proud of his powers and decided to leave Maa Kali. He walked away from the presence of Goddess Kali but wherever and whichever direction he saw, he faound the face of Kali. In ten directions, he saw ten different forms of Goddess Kali. These forms were – Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhawaneswari, Bhairwi, Kamala, Dhoomawati, Matangi, Chhinnmastak. Lord Shiva was surprised and accepted his defeat. Later Maa Kali gave her preachings for Lord Shiva. In this way, Lord Shiva gave birth to Shakti Dharma which way based on ten vidyaas of Tantra Shastra. The Paramvidya of the Tantra method is known as Tara. The method to worship Goddess Tara has been described by Lord Shiva in his talk with Vashishtha Muni. It is said that Goddess Tara may be pleased by Panch Tantra. Vashishtha Muni went to Kaamakhya. Yoni Peeth and worshiped for years to get siddha of Maa Tara.
When Kali Kaal began after Dwaper Age, king Jaya of Pandu family, was performing Nag Yagya but he had to leave the Yagya for sometime and irritated Agni the god of fire. He cursed king Jaya saying 'Today onwards all your religious vedic kriyaas will become ineffective and your 'Tapa' will be useless.' The curse to save the humanity from disaster, Maa Parvati asked from Lord Shiva a remedy. Then Shiva told her about the Tantra Marg. These ways were later known as Aagam Nigam, Daagar, Maap, etc. the different names of the system of Tantras. This Shakt Dhama Trantra Shastra was the word of Lord Shiva and it is capable to give the humanity the three aims of life i.e. Dharma, Arth, Kama and Moksha.
Tara Devi is known in 9 forms – Tara, Ugratara, Mahogana, Bajra, Kali, Neel Saraswati, Kameswari, and Chamunda. Out of these goddesses three are specially worshiped by Tantriks – Ugratara, Sritara and Neel Saraswati, which the first two help us to defend ourselves from enemies for general welfare the third form gives intellectual property to people.
Maa Tara originated on the bank of river 'Cholana' to the Meru mountain. It is mentioned in the rawa tantra. The worshipping in the night of Tara Ratri in considered of great importance. it falls on chaitra Navratri of Shukla Paksha. The Tara temple of Vindhyachal is one of the most important siddha peeths of Maa Tara situated at different parts of the country. At Vindhyachal, it is located at Ramgaya Ghat. It the best location for a siddhapeeth – it is situated on the bank of river Ganga in between Kashi and Prayag. Vindhyachal mountain gives shade to it. There are vilva trees surrounding the temple. There is funeral ghat near it. Shiva's temple is close to it – there is peace, tranquility almost everything is there to attain siddhi of the great goddess Tara.
The other fun Tara temple are at Saharsa (Bihar), Rampur Haat in West Bengal, in Himanchal Pradesh and last one at Asam named as Kamakhya temple.Vindhyachal Tara temple attracts thousands of Shakts in both Navaratris i.e. Chaitra and Ashwani. In the night of Ashtami, devotees worship Mahanisha and on Navami Kumari Goddess. This religious place is famous among the people because it can help them to from themselves trivid taap.

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