Friday, May 1, 2009

Worshipping Goddess as Virgin Girls

The practice of worshipping virgin girls gives the impression of divine power in women, on one hand and tells volumes about greatness of the Indian culture. "Yatra Naryasu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devta" (where women are worshipped, gods reside there) – elucidates the basic philosophy of our religion. It is the greatness of the Indian culture that Pt. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the then President of India, while participating in the "Kanya-Pujan" ceremony at Vindhyawasini Dham, seeked blessings of the virgin girls, by touching feet of everyone of them. This proves that politics is nothing before religion. Witnessing that gesture by Pt. Shankar Dayal Sharma, all the high ranking officials, media persons and priests became heart-rendered. Such a noble gesture, on the peat of the highest official of the Indian Republic, glorifies our cultural values, beyond limits.
There is unanimity among the guardians of the Hindu religion that only the girls upto 10 years of age are worshipped during the Kanya Pujan. The virgin upto 2 years of age is considered Aradhar Kaumari; 3 years virgin as Trimurti, of 4 years as Katyayni, 5 years as Rohini, virgin of 6 years as Kalika, of 7 years as Chandika, of 8 years as Shambhavi, of 9 years as Devi Durga, and the virgin of 10 years is a symbol of Subhadra.
A 2 years virgin is worshipped as the destroyer of sorrow and grief and harbinger of prosperity and life; by the seekers of Dharma, Artha, and Kama, Trimurti is worshipped; Kalyani is worshipped as the provider of everything one aspires; Rohini the 5 year virgin is worshipped as the planter of resistant-power in human body; Kalika-roop is worshipped as the destroyer of human illness; Chandika is worshipped as the destroyer of enemies; Shambhavi is worshipped as the provider of wealth and prosperity; for getting victory in battle field, Durga is worshipped whereas Subhadra is worshipped as the destroyer of evil and wish-fulfiller.

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